
Your lips may swell for the first day or two, and for 2 -3 days your tattoo will be darker than the healed result.  Lips appear healed in about a week; although deep healing occurs in 4-6 weeks over which time the colour will slowly develop.  Please have patience. 


Carefully apply a tiny amount of Aftercare Ointment using a Q-tip. Repeat as often as necessary or approximately every 4 hours for one week 

  • If you have EVER had a cold sore, you should have obtained prescription Zovirax or Valtrex and been on this for 3 days.  You must continue this medication the day of, and 3 days after your tattoo.  Failure to medicate may cause an outbreak & compromise results.

  • Your lips will peel around day 3 at which time they will look quite pale.  After 2-3 weeks you will see the colour softly developing.

  • If your skin tends to hypo-pigment, a darker shade may be experienced during healing delaying the outcome for up to an additional 2-3 months.

  • Avoid citrus, salty, oily & spicy foods. 

  • Avoid toothpaste on the lips.

  • Avoid tooth whitening for 2 weeks.

  • Avoid sun, sunbeds, sauna, swimming and hot yoga for 5 days.

Long Term

Pigment is iron-oxide based which naturally fades over time.  Rate of fading depends on skin type, sun exposure and body chemistry; try to maintain healthy iron levels as low iron may result in more rapid fading.  Most people have a colour boosting tattoo every 1-2 years.